today woke up at ... 8:45am i think xD
wanna eat breakfast but ... no more eggs for me
woot i want eggs for my breakfast larr weiih
then i didnt take my breakfast , watched pps until ...
until my parents woke up .
went 甜园 for my breakfast .. uhm a.k.a lunch (at 1pm+)
guess what , saw ken zaii there . and kevin .
walao long time no see . and i forgot ken told me he's working there tim
duh blur me @.@"
3pm+ went back home
pps ... until my msn and fb lagg
omfg ~!!! switched off pps . sign in msn
walao still cannot . 9 windows were hanging there showing
!@#$%^&*... = =
walao eh i felt dizzy x.X
shut down my comp !!!
woot bought some eggs from petronas
suddenly thinked of my cupcakes again ~
woot bake come cakes again ~
sisters enjoyed it lots . thanks mui
i love you all ~
ewww but my cupcakes .. abit like shit with chocolate topping on top
mwahaha . dont laugh ! xD
at night , we went to batu14 for our 咖喱鱼头 . eeee i dont like it actually .
after having out dinner , staright away went to IOI
yerr saw a pair of shoes there . vry nice ! aik have to save my money .
duh no choice ~~~
went to popular . bought some SPM reference books .
ah SPM ? o.O yes SPM (:
yeee some sopo pictures here ``
zzz celine is a poor photographer . shoo shoo~
dont laugh ! i know its weird xD
weee my yummy cupcake . with shits on top ^^
lovely crytal and I . acting sot ><
" come lar eat abit lor sayang . vry nice de "
" dont want lar yerr . gt shits there vry smelly de " ><"
make a wish .
i want everyone to be happy , forever be with their love ones .
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