Fuiyo, it's Friday again ! Went to school in the morning as usual lurr. Early in the morning we had to listen to singam's bullshit again. Pls la, her voice is so damn " sweet " but i felt very sleepy. Yesterday I can't sleep well eh, woke up at 3am and then 5am, looked at the alarm twice with my half-closed eyes, and then I slept back. Zzz
After singam, PJK --Cik Tan pulak. If you guys wanna listen to her story I have to say it for two days, erm can't finish it leh even for two days. SEI LOU GU PO, I hate her so much ! Not only me, but everybody does =) She dun allow us to play volleyball .. Nvm, then today she blamed on us and said that we didn't inform her so there's no PJ today! Walao eh , last week we've asked for it leh you old woman ! -.- gerammm~
Then addmath and moral, I can't concentrate leh.. felt so tired and I tried to sleep in the class :D After school we have to go for chinese again ! Duh Cik Tan again ! Before that we went to the front door to meet that sei 8 po ( and her 'bf' )! But unfortunately, she was not there ! Arghhh how bad~ Sei Jin *** ! Really naik api lurr when talk bout her ! She really dun understand the condition now lo, please lah bitc*, who is the outsider eh? If you're not my sister's enemy I wont bird you also ! Please lah, do make it clear before you bark like a dog in front all of the ppl ! Cheap like !@#$^&^& !Pui !
Okay cool down~ Skip the topic.. After we backed to bilik tayangan, aiks had to face Cik Tan again ! duh talked like shit and then keep scolding there ! Grrr really dunno what's the problem with her, She just think of herself lah ! Keep scolding ppl when we asked her questions , doesn't she know that how soft is her voice? Then she keep laughing for some jokes that are not funny at all, like a siao po.. =.=
Waaa 2pm ~ Yay finish ! I've been waiting you for so long.. and finally you came.. Back to home, I would like to spend my time with my only space sometimes.. Feel like dying ~
Love Love Love I want your Love
You forgot me once again ! x(
In a very very bad mood~~~
Friday, January 22, 2010
Stayed back with my " Family " ^^ We went to Giant to buy some stuffs (eg. food and snacks for us in the class xD ) , and suddenly somebody called me and told me that it was raining cats and dogs outside.. I felt like.. What the hell, how could us back to school by our legs ? After we bought our things, we RAN back to school ! OMG it was like.. dont know how to describe ! xD hell man we were all wet ! And of course, we didn't go for the practice that day. Sit there, waiting time to pass~ Awww however it could be a memorable day for us, right? ^^

Stayed back with my " Family " ^^ We went to Giant to buy some stuffs (eg. food and snacks for us in the class xD ) , and suddenly somebody called me and told me that it was raining cats and dogs outside.. I felt like.. What the hell, how could us back to school by our legs ? After we bought our things, we RAN back to school ! OMG it was like.. dont know how to describe ! xD hell man we were all wet ! And of course, we didn't go for the practice that day. Sit there, waiting time to pass~ Awww however it could be a memorable day for us, right? ^^
Stayed back, again ! hehe ^^ Today we went for the practice owhh. So damn tired lah weyy. 5km eh ! Siao man.. I'm not superwoman ); After school, we went to Aladdin for our lunch, and then back to school.. Wee then started to jog~ We saw someone was eating, Rachel said something very funny and then we all LOL ! omg xD As I walked until half way, my legs really can't move at all dy T.T I followed xinhui and jieyong, we went through the shortcut. And we met cavy and evelyn, then we went to 7-11 -- Have some drinks and Take pix !
♥ 欢迎来到 sweet sweet love ♥
必須詳細填下以下質料, 请诚实回答不可偷看其他人答案。
♥ 您的个人资料 ♥
*名字: 黄思乐
*年龄: 16
*爱好: 吃饭算爱好么? 哈!
*专长: 吓人 ( 尤其是丘婉琪 ) xD
*生日: 18.6.1994
♥ [必填[請填下眞實資料] ♥
*谁把这份问卷转发给你:Rachel suiipoo ^^
*你喜欢和他/她做朋友吗:不喜欢 ... 才怪 x)
*他/她的个性:可爱兼性感 >(00)<
*他/她的缺点:缺点是没有缺点 >.<
*你喜欢他/她哪一点:两点 xD
*他/她的哪一点最值得你去学习:坚强 (:
*有人追他/她吗:多不胜数 ... ^^
*他/她跟哪一个异性朋友最靠近:当然是 ... 林蛋蛋!
* 那一位异性朋友喜欢他/她吗:没有喜欢,只有 "爱" ^^
*想对他/她说的话:Jimuiis forever! <3
♥ 必填 [真心话1] ♥
*多少个在追你呀: 都说了没人要你要林北讲几多次 =="
*和他们什么关系: 晕~~
*你喜欢的人喜欢你吗:“无,你喜欢我吗?”他说喜欢 =)
*你喜欢的人的个性:呃... 够幽默 xD
*有想过和你喜欢的人告白吗: 咱们女人不干这回事儿 :P
♥ 必填[真心话2] ♥
* 你的初恋: -
*想对他/她说的话: -
必須詳細填下以下質料, 请诚实回答不可偷看其他人答案。
♥ 您的个人资料 ♥
*名字: 黄思乐
*年龄: 16
*爱好: 吃饭算爱好么? 哈!
*专长: 吓人 ( 尤其是丘婉琪 ) xD
*生日: 18.6.1994
♥ [必填[請填下眞實資料] ♥
*谁把这份问卷转发给你:Rachel suiipoo ^^
*你喜欢和他/她做朋友吗:不喜欢 ... 才怪 x)
*他/她的个性:可爱兼性感 >(00)<
*他/她的缺点:缺点是没有缺点 >.<
*你喜欢他/她哪一点:两点 xD
*他/她的哪一点最值得你去学习:坚强 (:
*有人追他/她吗:多不胜数 ... ^^
*他/她跟哪一个异性朋友最靠近:当然是 ... 林蛋蛋!
* 那一位异性朋友喜欢他/她吗:没有喜欢,只有 "爱" ^^
*想对他/她说的话:Jimuiis forever! <3
♥ 必填 [真心话1] ♥
*多少个在追你呀: 都说了没人要你要林北讲几多次 =="
*和他们什么关系: 晕~~
*你喜欢的人喜欢你吗:“无,你喜欢我吗?”他说喜欢 =)
*你喜欢的人的个性:呃... 够幽默 xD
*有想过和你喜欢的人告白吗: 咱们女人不干这回事儿 :P
♥ 必填[真心话2] ♥
* 你的初恋: -
*想对他/她说的话: -
Friday, January 1, 2010
Happy New Year !
Well, I din go countdown this year
And my New Year Eve was so boring~ );
Cousins and I went to my aunt's house for buffet dinner
Her house located at Sg.Long ( Not really sure where issit >< ) Tha bangalow super large man, with a k room inside ! Fuiyo sing till high high~ xDD Lols I captured alot of pics too,
On the way to Sungai Long
Christmas tree~
K room~
The decorations there were so damn nice !! @@
Woot makan lok lok~ =]
Want some? ^^
Hey perasan ME ><"
Angelyn and I
Maybelyn and I
Ah Jack and I ( I was forcing him to SMILE ) =="
He dont wanna smile T T
fine, I kuu seii leii ! ~ LOL

sot ZY and I
WY and I ^^
POKE HIM !!!!!
still laugh?! BOX YOU xDD
" Wei ! I want to kiss you leh ! "
" Arghhh no eye see ! "
The beggar says " give me some money please ~ " );
smileeeeeeeeee~ x________X

mom shouts out loud ,
" SEI FEI PO !!! "
[end blog]
BBQ Party
A BBQ party at my house. It started at around 6p.m.
Kiv and Alyona reached my house at 4.30p.m. (so early?) ;D
Rachel sms-ed me said that she and des can't attend because they got no transport
Wuwu so damn sad~ But ... at last they came ! ^^
Ekekeke SURPRISE leh ! thank you, and muaaaaacks
Then my mom keep saying desmen~
" Wah, why you so thin? Wah why you so tall? Wah you din eat issit? "
Hmm wanna say sorry to those guys har that helped US to light up the charcoal
Muahahah they all are so damn gentlemen man ! thumb up~*
ecxept tha SEAN TAN REN HAO, ngam ngam cam cam like a DUCK! xD
Hey, we are girls leh. so these works should be GUYS to do kay~ ^^v
Guys BBQ till so shuang, we girls sit there and chit-chatting
Yor but it was raining man~ i hate rainy dayssss !
After eating, we all played truth or dare
At last, it changed to dare or dare dy xDD
Muahaha, either drink beer or make up !
Argh I'm the first who kena ! Argh somemore cannot choose to drink beer !
LOL let Xinhui helped me to draw the lipstick , on my lips
walao its so RED and so THICK ! =.=
At last, all of us also kena. except mei kuan and sinyee
So lucky lah weeyyyy ! ><
hahas lai lai share pics~

Waniangweyy~ My dad is forcing ah hong to take the ciga

Dylan mabuk dy? ekeke

We are raping ng teck hong~ XD

My darling's handsome face, like malao's butt butt
( He is the third worst, Sean- the 1st, Me- the 2nd T T )

" Desmen, i wanna kiss you " T T

Normal eh this one~ xD

Hong Yee - " I'm gay "

Lets bou saoo !!!! muahaha

Jimuiis forever <3
BBQ Party
A BBQ party at my house. It started at around 6p.m.
Kiv and Alyona reached my house at 4.30p.m. (so early?) ;D
Rachel sms-ed me said that she and des can't attend because they got no transport
Wuwu so damn sad~ But ... at last they came ! ^^
Ekekeke SURPRISE leh ! thank you, and muaaaaacks
Then my mom keep saying desmen~
" Wah, why you so thin? Wah why you so tall? Wah you din eat issit? "
Hmm wanna say sorry to those guys har that helped US to light up the charcoal
Muahahah they all are so damn gentlemen man ! thumb up~*
ecxept tha SEAN TAN REN HAO, ngam ngam cam cam like a DUCK! xD
Hey, we are girls leh. so these works should be GUYS to do kay~ ^^v
Guys BBQ till so shuang, we girls sit there and chit-chatting
Yor but it was raining man~ i hate rainy dayssss !
After eating, we all played truth or dare
At last, it changed to dare or dare dy xDD
Muahaha, either drink beer or make up !
Argh I'm the first who kena ! Argh somemore cannot choose to drink beer !
LOL let Xinhui helped me to draw the lipstick , on my lips
walao its so RED and so THICK ! =.=
At last, all of us also kena. except mei kuan and sinyee
So lucky lah weeyyyy ! ><
hahas lai lai share pics~

Waniangweyy~ My dad is forcing ah hong to take the ciga
Dylan mabuk dy? ekeke

We are raping ng teck hong~ XD

My darling's handsome face, like malao's butt butt
( He is the third worst, Sean- the 1st, Me- the 2nd T T )

" Desmen, i wanna kiss you " T T
Normal eh this one~ xD
Hong Yee - " I'm gay "

Lets bou saoo !!!! muahaha

Jimuiis forever <3
dont laugh please ...
Asked you dont laugh jor still laugh !!!
zzZzzZ ...
After that, all of us became so lengzai lenglui
LOL i wouldn't forget it ..
wouldn't forget our memories, sweet and crazy memories
Muahaha ;D
Friends forever !!! <3
happy new year to my beloved families
happy new year to lollichoc jimuii
happy new year to my boubuii
happy new year to my kor jiee dii muii
happy new year EVERYONE!
Last day of 2009, turning to 2010 soon
I'm going to plan my life, my studies in 2010
seeking for my future ! *
I don't wanna think bout those !@#$%^&* anymore
I know it'll make my life worse and worse !
So , well done step !
I will try to change myself to be more 'sangseng' as well
2009 bye bye !
I wouldn't forget our memories
The days that we had , happy and sad days~
My family, My jimui, xxx, bla bla bla~
Starting a new life ! 2010 I'm coming~
happy new year to my beloved families
happy new year to lollichoc jimuii
happy new year to my boubuii
happy new year to my kor jiee dii muii
happy new year EVERYONE!
Last day of 2009, turning to 2010 soon
I'm going to plan my life, my studies in 2010
seeking for my future ! *
I don't wanna think bout those !@#$%^&* anymore
I know it'll make my life worse and worse !
So , well done step !
I will try to change myself to be more 'sangseng' as well
2009 bye bye !
I wouldn't forget our memories
The days that we had , happy and sad days~
My family, My jimui, xxx, bla bla bla~
Starting a new life ! 2010 I'm coming~
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