Thursday, April 30, 2009
哈哈 ^^
咪啦!!! 都是你的错!!!
是腰! 腰而已okay! xD
“FUCK!!!” 我喊到几够力大声
靠! 比脚还要痛x10000!!!
“还是很痛呵!” 我说道.
或许应该要检讨一下体型了.哈! xD
“公公你要保佑我..” 我喊着
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Thursday, April 23, 2009

Monday, April 20, 2009
today first and second periods
Bahasa Melayu
ponteng.weiye accompanied me
passed by his class.but he didn’t see me
actually I want to talk with him
since he didn’t see me.then nevermind.
then passed 5SP2
saw kors there
sit in the class and kinggai lo
they don’t let me go back to class
and I don’t want to see that lame+useless teacher
hm kept ngaming
I know he tak sampai hati wan
but what can I help?
let them solve it bah~
chit-chatting for two periods
quite funn.next time ponteng gain
lolss ^^
back to classs.that sei hm still don’t want to let me go
asked for help.you gao dimm it lah!
I dunno you lah! -.-
whole day EMO
kept yelling in the class
while I talked to Royce.suddenly cried out
I said,
I know I am the worst!
I know he dislikes me! I know!
but what can I do?
I just can’t let go him!
I want but I can’t!
you understand?
really really cant stand for it anymore
controlled myself not to think
recess time.
saw something and I want to scream!
you bitch! see what see?
why you looked at me like this?
while you were FLIRTING him?
luckily I didn’t eat my breakfast
aboh I will VOMIT!
*mind to go back to ZOO NEGARA?
your friends were there
SEE.those chimpanzees were waving at you! =)
eh please lah!
see what jiek?
like him then just tell him lah!
look at me for what?
if you wanna fa hiao.just pisss from me okay!
and look your nose in the mirror!
you know.that time I could…..dy,
but you! you destroyed it! =(
hey kind you lah..don’t be fatt hao
cause he doesn’t like girls fatt hao de wor!
somemore you aren’t suitable!
after recess, KH
kiv seems moody.
I knew.but didn’t ask
100% cause of him.i SURE
then she……….*secret
aiks don’t think dy nia.okay?
aiks I think I am crazy
how many time I told myself
I don’t love you
I ain’t jealous
how many time my heart plingplang
I said I felt okay.its nothing for me
accidentally knocked my head onto the door just now
"BANG!!!!"my head patah.
"FUCK!" i scolded myself.
I dunno what was I thinking
I want to slap my face x100
>365 days
>21900 hours
>78840000 minutes
'>' = 'more than'
and I dunno how long I can move on
I am trying to hold something
I am trying to let go you boy
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
today BI teacher absent 'gain
a teacher relief named
*woman..i will remember your name
and she said she would be our BM teacher
from today on >.< color="#006600">half an hour since she went in our class
cause..she don’t wanna let us to sit!
and she said
"BM cikgu masa sekolah menengah tidak pernah dapat A2!"
*yea! Cause you got all E’s right? F*CK! don’t be LCLY
"Kalau awak biadap dan kurang ajar kepada cikgu, saya akan buat begitu juga!"
*oh saya super scared! my whole bady tremblingggg!
then she asked us to write an essay about our ‘charming prince/princess’
I fainted =.=
the guys were yelling here and there, said they want to complain teacher
cause they said she called them to pikat perempuan
she wrote on the blackboard
“Tulis satu karangam berkaitan dengan jejaka idiamanmu”
then I asked,
"cikgu, apatu 'karangam'?"
"ya ya" she answered.
saya pengsan~
ei teacher.you said you never get A2 for your BM?
for your ‘karangam’ also?
hey then we all can get A1 too =)
nvm.then she said ‘mesti hantar’
and we didn’t bird her also
hey BI periods teach BM?
stupid brainless asshole
you are just a relief teacher okay?
after recess time
the last two periods- BM
oh grandpa! our lovely teacher came again
then she called us who didn’t write the essay (just now the one)
stand infront of the class
you know what she said?
she said, no matter you got write or not must hantar
even if we pass up a blank paper she also terima!
oh I want to bang my head.no, bang your head to the wall!
how can you be so stupid?
tahi! we four girls were standing there like vasesss
then she kept say kurang ajar lah..
kept f*cking like an idiot
IDIOT means a person with very low intelligence who cannot think or behave normally
IDIOT = Si Bodoh = bai chi
then she asked us to write one more karangan
I simply wrote.she said must more than 180 words
I think we all wrote not more than 60 words
lolx ^ ^
haiyo dunno why the teacher so bodoh
aduhai.tomorrow got BM somemore
first period eh..zzz
haih don’t care
going to tuition
tata :))
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
actually not really want to blog de
but just can’t control myself to on my comp
cause I got something to share with you
aiks I dunno what was teacher teaching
I know I am noob and blur (+.+)
then Pn.Chye said 'bout mid-year exam
9chapters(F3) plus F1F2
alamak.i hate mathematics!
I am stupid -.-
projek projek projek
after rehat I went into the class
and saw the malay girls fighting?
they argued I think
then my ‘sister’ was standing there to settle the case
lol she is not my kakak okay? XD
then whole class like perang zzz
our CIK KEK CAME !!!
kept scolding said our class is good class
bla bla bla
she was very gekk I think
kept breath in breath out like asma
then I kept on laughing, dunno why
she was very angry
but I still laughed like 'fatt yong diu' there
she looked at me and screamed,
I turned my head to my dear kiv
laughed again!
Cik ‘Cookies’ was staring at me!
WOO I was very very SCARED
the sei pk NG TECK still laugh me
I sweat you! very funny mie?
never see pretty lady tio scold before issit?
next, Pn Nirmala came in
she said us again
" saya tak taulah kenapa awak semuani turus ketawa "
laughed again!
dunno why I always laugh like this
I should be polite and..mature and elegant..??
asked for the pass, went to pejabat
nak hantar buku KH
then saw keropok atas meja
I ‘took’ it and ran away
dunno got CCTV anot? 0.0
then tomorrow you will see 3 girls standing on the stage
" Pencuri S4BK yang curi keropok Pn.xxxx "
lol funny!
backed to science lab
siao-ing there
before I left the left then Rahayu asked me to kutip sampah
ALRIGHT! I pick it! and stuff in your asshole!
then tio scold again
she said I’m very noisy,and my group’sss
and she said I’m going to kena penalty marks
I scared you meh?!
wah today quite black
tio scold many times leh
I think I should be watchful over my own deeds and words
lol you can do it!
^ ^
heart-serching at___8:41PM
Monday, April 13, 2009
today bm 2periodss
no teacher !!!
and moral also..
we went to bilik musik but form5 ceramah there
then we went to anjung C
I love anjung C !!!
after that science at science lab
studied the germination of seed
recesss time,
went to koperasi
UNFORTUNATELY,you were not there!
oh sien..i want to watch movie! =(
aiks saw someone there,
but like didn’t see me hor?
suan le bah~
after recess,
qing seems moody eh? (o.o)
didn’t asked much from eggy wor
think I shouldn’t be too..extreme?
then rushed to bengkel
duh! 3 periods KH
* i’m going to faint
haizz buat kerja kayu
dunno how to cantum! stupiak!
before we went back to class
that cb teacher kept scolding us!
f*ck! said our group so dirty and nobody sapu
wah you blind ke?
2 girls sapu there then you say TAK ADA orang
still said kurang ajar.tak hormat.
"tak nak sapu takyahlah masuk bengkel buat kerja kayu!"
I F*CK your grandmother!
siapa nak masuk bengkel tengok muka tahikau?
I would like to call you to lick the floor,
after kh then bi
Quiz again!
I didn’t do and didn’t listen to teacher tim
dunno what she talking ‘bout
sorry my bahasa inggeris is damn freaking poor
bell rang
kiv and I rushed down
didn’t see him.SUAN
saw J talking to that bo nutrious de
J feeding her drink milkmilk
cause her mother got no susu for her
lol.just talking lah
1 fat 1 thin
1 tree BARK and 1 TWIG
cheh.not match at all
To his admirer: (dar.LOOK HERE!)
I think you should eat mucher mucher
muahaha ^ ^
blog end__5:31PM
Sunday, April 12, 2009
i am mad.
what's wrong with me? yes?
i love to do everyone an injustice
i love to belittle everyone
i love to !fuck! everyone
i NEVER EVER looked my face clearly in the mirror
..before i made judgement on everyone
i know i am a failure
i do breakdown myself
i am good-for-nothing
i am eccentric
i didn't judge myself before
and i think that i am ' WONDERFUL '
i am squemish and flirt, too!
so please don't near me!
otherwise i will stain you!
back to your clean and flawless room
it is perfect and without blemish!
lets cheers for it!
at dad's office ah :)
they are having party *the workers
kao!luckily i didn't kena
but mum and sisters..
phew~they were too lucky!
LOL ^^
mum said that,
it is Minteen's hari raya?
oh yea~cause all the workers here are 缅甸人
and they played all those minteen songs
dunno what they singing..>.<
whoa so many delicious FOOD
oh FOOD! i want to eat!
*yesterday no time to blog*
what happened ark?forgot dy eh lol
erm yesterday after school,
kiv and I went Giant with HongYee & TeckHong
but then..they LOST!
stupiak wan =.="
then we two girls went secret recipe
ordered apple??cheesecake & lagsane chic
oh it was NICE :))
we asked for take-away but then we ate there
funny eh lol
back to school
singing competition for BC club
started at 2 o'clock
we kept bullying people lol
the 四眼凸凸龟 lah!
think dao also laugh 'till stomach pain eh!
her con is sooo.soo.so pretty neh!
pretty like shit
and 不够营养's one
see what see?!
you wanna eat me issit?!
ok ah, at least you will get more NUTRIOUS
..if you eat me LOL
you are just as thin as the tree branches.
OH not branch but TWIG!
whoa my kata adjektif so pro!
then 3:30 p.m.
kiv going home
so fast eh..T.T
then Jmin and I sent her to the front door
her dad came..viuvit,lengzaii!
hahahass^ ^
the competition..
6 of them?won the first round
who ah?forgot eh (0.0)
Mayuko, Julius, Suk Jing ..
then others I can’t remember dy *paiseh
then, Jmin and I just walked around
..at padang
5 o’clock..
went back home
you aree soo happy
aren’t you?
zatt me again.i’m going to bunuh kau!
Thursday, April 9, 2009
I am angry with you!
today let people say I fatt hao leh! :)
fatt hao = flirt + gatal
yea I very flirt..
and I love to play with boys,
talk with boys,
and kao them. *ok?happy?
I hate people say me like that
you knew that also right?
you told me you trust that I’m not that kind of girl?
you liar!
I just don’t want to care about you right now!
I’m on FIRE!
but then I was very sad know
why you(/all) must say me like that?
and what I dislike is,
you can’t say me like this!
I’m MAD! =((
well, and it was not a joke
and it was not funny, at all!
okay? you understand?
everyone could say me like this,
but you! you……NO WAY!
I don’t want to say it out
I know those fakers will tell you ‘bout this
am I right? ^^ (o0o)
aiks just forget ‘bout it
I’m always kind and friendly
but I won’t forgive you like this
unless you say sorry to me :((
today 1st, 2nd & 3rd periods [BM1 & BI2]
no teachers! whoa bored~
then PJK
played bola tampar ‘tll my hands gonna patah!
and..today I terlupa to bring on my school uniform
cause I was late! =(
kemudian, recess time kiv and step *2beautiess
we were walking around
then bell rang, while we were talking with gor
he popped out and said
" !@#$%..."
I was getting mad and mad mad mad mad!
I just don’t want to see you!
you spoilt my mood
we went bilik musik and watched persembahan
singing competition?(BM) 0.0
the fat boy was so cutee~
I want to marry him “)
today I’m d.o.w.n!
I hate today!
I don’t want to mention ‘bout you anymore!
I wanna kill you
_________at 3:38PM
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
-today before recess time-
I was damn beh song!
F*CK! Why you kept telling me about that person?!
I hate.I know you both very very good
I know xxx cares you mucher than me
and you like to play with xxx also
but why you kept blaming xxx?
so what? what I care for?
but I just very landu ok!
and I wanna you to know that
I am not JEALOUS!
and I won’t eat xxx and play with xxx
but please don’t act like you very very care him ok?
ok loh..if you hate us then kill us!
but we will never love xxx! And you are damn sucks!
I don’t want to act like you also!
but what should I do? smile,smile and smile?
I don’t have anything to say about you
I was damn ‘fo guan’ =.=
and what I want to tell is
don’t perasan.and please don’t love yourself too
I hate you.even if I talk ‘bout your name
I-am-enough! okay?paham?
don’t say that your heart broken,
cause I got NO FEELING and NOTHING to do with it
I hate myself soooo much.when I was smiling at you
because,I am FAKE man! =(
okay..chill out my dear steph
smile =]]]
well, today BI periods – QUIZ!
cheh, for the minggu bahasa lah!
stupiaakkk! >.<
actually it’s not important for us
but we still sampat till flew to other classes and asked for the answers
sweat us!
but then we got most wrong answers.lol xD
then ACL
essay writing! competition eh 0.0
haih, so many activities during minggu bahasa
then I simply wrote hahas
the title of my essay is “my past,my present and my future”
lameeee title..
and I dunno what I wrote tim =.=”
after that, 2 periods BM
hoh we were FREE!
cause no teacher warx..
teacher said she went back to her kampung dy
cause she want to take care of her father (he was sick?)
she told us that she’ll come back next year.yea next year
o.0 good news for us
and,no relieve teacher!
muahaha xD
then qing, xinhui, cavy and desmen came to our class
playing arooouund =)
then kiv, alyona, khai sheng and I kept kap-ing!
lols it was fun! x)
and too bad..how could us be so ham eh?
It’s the time for me to bath
later going tuition nia
take care guys.muacksx!
6:26 PM..
sien eh!
today math’s teacher absent ah [Pn.Chye]
two periods.freaking bored
but luckily, we don’t have any homework today
whoa~cheersss! =))
and..I was not really in good mood too
little red came =(
and I felt very very uncomfortable
kemudian sivikkk
shit! our group haven’t pass up our folio
that terrible teacher kept ngam here n there
somemore she said my voice very very loud
" i can hear you! i can hear you! "
kao.you first day know me issit?
then I kept scolding her..f*ck!
boo I very geram ah dunno why..
and I was very tired,too
I just want to sleep in class Z.Z
then whole day very down
rehat time
dunno what happened kept on laughing
i dunno what was going on
just kept hahahahaha,for no reason
because i saw wenz k0r and Jeffrey lah!
lol then the sei jeff made me laughed like hell
laughed ‘till i almost felt to the ground,and faint
after I backed to class
aiks moody gain
sciene period,
we go checked our teeeeeth
the nurses there very babi!
wei you look like kingkong then i scared you ah
stupiak.kept fucking say us biadap pulak =.=
then we went to the pameran also
bought a komsas revision book
haix,tomorrow oral test!
i not yet prepare the text also
2periods eh..bad =((
aiks im going to check on the old news paper
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Saturday again
Celine erican nia
duh i need to tuitionkan her after she come back
aiks i hate.but mumy said must do that
sweat..ajar then ajar loh
you thought i dunno meh?
she’s just a standard 2 kid werd
aiks why holiday so boring eh
school day better
at least I got something to write in my blog
but Saturday and Sunday just..sien
i did it in the morning
but not yet siap eh
still got pjk notes nia
annoying thing
somemore folio
oh my god.i am lazy =(
why we need to do those stupiak thing eh?
wondering…issit useful for us?NO
I don’t want to do lah
I want go shopping T.T
p/s: i miss him at 4:23 p.m..
gtg ah
update ‘gain yea
Saturday, April 4, 2009
i love Friday!
today Science periods hor
wah gor’s phone hampir kena rampas!
Rahayu saw it leh,while i was curi-tengoking his message.
she called me to give her the phone lo
but then i didn’t lah of course
then i thought she will beritau Hasnah de
but then nothing dy lo.thought got spot-check tim
then after school go Giant lu
i, kiv and gor also
then qing with e**y [can I name him out?]
lol ^^
they looked sweet eh.
hahass @.@
we went to food court,
then i and kiv bought 5 cups of ice-creamss
woot.makan sampai nak muntah! *bluek
kiv unhappy nia today
i teman you eat ice-cream
because of him again lo.PIG him!
but dar don’t think much lo ok?
dont sad because of him
as you said mah.not worth also right?
haix.we just misunderstood nia
everyone said that it was not true geh
so lets don’t care ‘bout that lo
don’t sad dy nia.ok? T^T
somemore eat 5cups of ice creams will grow fat ark!
by then,I took those ice-creamss to school *sambil makan
sampai all melt! yucks!
but I still finished them leh.how GOD
and kiv also.>.<
we went to bk5 then
whoa~go play play ^^
xavier,dylan,desmen,jieyong and weixun were there also
the others like sean they all were playing bkb
we all sitting in the pondok
chit-chatting and playing
stupiak jy and wx played pearl jelly there
kena my whole badan.it was stiiiccckkyyy
kao! sweat you all!
I want to balas dendam on Monday.BECAREFUL you!
then we just playing+siao around
whereas,qing and e**y pakto and walking around
sweet ark! Hehex ^^
hoh! then hor,my hands kena black thing macam tahi
went to the longkang there and washed
kiv also nia.but then she very excited wor
cause he saw a lengzai! there.named ChangHui
[i want to write it in bahasa cina lah =.=]
that time,while we siao-ing beside the longkang
then the lengzai passed by
then kiv go borrow his water(bottle) lol
weird! then he really lent it to us!
what a kind+helpful man *i mean guy sorry
she was very shuang.lol xD
then i saw his baju bkb with his Chinese name nia
then I screamed
“thank you,ChangHui.”
he like shocked man.he thought im crazy
“why that siao za bo know my name hmm?”
oh,then i ride bicycle also
so tall ah the bicycle.*paiseh.i should say.i am short
so scary eh.i dunno how to stop it o.o
kept screaming there like gila
paiseh.really will malu leh if I think back =x
finish gila-ing then back to school
just sitting there doing nothing
dar ar! you don’t dump me ah..
I very ps ah! =.=
kept walking here and there only.
don’t want to go back eh -.-
..but it’s the time for me to go home..
*lyrics from ‘big girls don’t cry’ lol
today we were too siao
I think it will be a pretty memory for us
and qing too,
right? ^0^
Friday, April 3, 2009
just came back from OUG nia
mom and I went to Central then Secret Recipe
wootz~yum yum ^^
I ordered brownies walnut & newyork cheese cake
OH it was nice xD
doing my homework..
shit. A LOT eh. (=.=)
today while BI (2 periods),
i was just doing my essay,
then that bodoh teacher came to my seat
and kept saying rubbish
“shiler, I’m going to have a COMPLAIN on you.so you better do your work and BECAREFUL”
duh.don't fuck eh
you are the one who should BECAREFUL
im going to rape your husband soon,LOL
aiks,but i don’t want lah
she sure will complain me to Pn.Nirmala
i don’t want eh
she sure will disappointed on me
then she will call my mom also? o.0
sei Pn.Norhayati =.=
(did I spell wrong her name eh?)
oh today no pj
but i was very excited for the theory
lol sweat…
it was freaking geli for us,
recess time,
went koperasi..
then saw telur there lol
i saw him mandi peluh there,
kept searching for qing oh >.<
" darling,I help you wipe off your sweat. "
come bite me ah dar.blek!
you cannot catch me~ you cannot catch me~
LOL ^^
After that,just boring..
kept chit-chatting with kiv in class
yen chi didn’t come today
aboh we would be like monkeysss
ahahaha =]
that’s all for today
waiting for tomorrow eh
i want to stay back!
Fun Fun Fun~
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
praying to the god
today I heard a news
It was a sad news..
as I heard that,
I felt very sorry and I just want to cry out
My Dear,
I will pray for you.Don’t worry.We will always be with you.I hope you can recover now.Hope that I can see you soon, in school.Miss you a lot.I will always thinking of your smiling face baby.so no matter how, you must stay happy and cheer! You are strong! I will be praying to the god.as you said, "praying to the god na matter what happened" ..right?
__Support you always!__
and I promised not to tell anyone.
I will always by your side~
love you
A day without K.I.V
update ‘gain eh ^^
lazy to on msn sama fs
somemore scared later emakku come then I die =.=
now easy lo..type in Microsoft 0ffice then just paste on blog
am I clever? =)
today kiv didn’t come to school tim
somemore never tell me hmm!
said will call me geh
made me so excited thought you coming school!
kesian lonely me..
waaa…[crying] T.T
but hor,you also must write letter to teacher leh!
muahaha..bely good chokulut xP
just write hor..
“saya tidak dating ke sekolah kerana I nak celebrate my adik punya birthday.
jadi wa tak mau pegi sekolah”
neninenibubu =P
Pn.Nirmala gave us the kerja kursus thing
duh! Folio again [fainted] =.=
Geografi,Sivik,Pendidikan Seni,KH..and Sejarah?
Oh my god.I got a lot of homework kay
still ask us to do those stupiak things for what
haizzzz T..T
tomolo NO PJ..'cause jadual changed..again
sweat~pjk changed to Thursday
lol somemore hor..
after recess hor..
qingqing was not really HAPPY with ‘someone’ leh xD
then after school I call that stupiak xxxy go kejar her and apologise
muahaha ^^
think she won’t moody dy hor?
ok lah.that sei T*L*R (spell the vowels! lol) lah!
sendiri makan sendiri lo >.<
make our boubui angry then we will patahkan your kepala
then after school I ran down
don’t want to kena marah by aunty nia
she was waiting me for so long
but starting tomorrow,
mummy will come and fetch me nur
so will lambat go back eh ^^
i don’t want to go home early neh..
aikx.ok lu
that’s all for today
try to update tomorrow ^^